About Flexible Frameworks
Flexible Frameworks is for education, training, and consulting in ABA, ACT, and RFT for behavior analysts, therapists, and wellness professionals. We are committed to providing high-quality resources and low-cost (or free) support for professionals in the field of behavioral health.
Dr. Harry Voulgarakis
Licensed Psychologist
Licensed Behavior Analyst
Board Certified Behavior Analyst- Doctoral (BCBA-D)
Certified by the American Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy
International Behavior Analyst Certification
Distinguished Fellow of the New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA)
President, Forensic Division of NYSPA
Assistant Professor of Child Study, St. Joseph's University, New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor and Clinical Supervisor, Teachers College, Columbia University
Chief Psychologist, HMV Psychology & Consulting, PC, NYC

Member of leading
professional organizations